The Texas legal limit for intoxication is 0.08 Blood Alcohol Concentration. Catching a Driving While Intoxicated is a serious crime in Texas. The three strike rule will turn your 3rd DWI into a felony automatically. After having two or more DWI offenses in five years, you are required to install an interlock ignition switch. You can keep your right to drive and your record clean though if you contact The Law Office of Jeff S. Hoover today.
It’s important to be aware of the law and what punishments come with your actions. If you are pulled over or know someone who has been pulled over drinking and driving, this is the trouble you could be facing.
Your license is likely going to be suspended. ALR is the process by which the government decides if they take your after receiving a DWI. Your license can be suspended up to 180 days for not submitting to a breath or blood alcohol test, or 90 days if your breath or blood alcohol test is .08 or higher. Notice, that at the time of the of the incident, the officer is required to take your license and give you a notice of suspension. You have ONLY 14 DAYS from the notice of suspension to request a hearing. It’s important to act now and hire an attorney with the experience to dismiss your case.
Don’t fret if your license does get suspended, there is always an option. An Occupational drivers license is a special license that allows individuals who have had their normal license suspended or revoked, to keep driving legally. You will need a few items before we can get you back on the road.